Christine Miserandino from will be the keynote speaker in NC


Christine Miserandino from will be the keynote speaker for the Piedmont, NC chapter of the Lupus Foundation. This is the 10th annual Lupus Summit on September 11th.  The deadline to order tickets is September 1st– so act now!  Link to order your tickets is below.

She will also moderate an afternoon session called: IRL (In Real Life): Teens with Lupus: Ready to go, but your body says “no”.  How to take care of yourself so you can have fun and live in spite of lupus.  Afterall, you are only young once. (Teens Only)

Information about the keynote:

A Spoonful of Hope: My Experience with Lupus
Author of The Spoon Theory, Christine Miserandino, is a writer, blogger, speaker and patient advocate from NY. She also happens to be someone who is living with Lupus. Her writing has been featured in numerous newspapers, magazines, medical newsletters and television media. Read more about Christine.

Christine considers herself a “Professional Patient” and will be sharing tips, tricks and even mistakes she has made along the way. There will be an interactive portion, as well as a question and answer period at the end. Get excited and save your spoons, because this is not your average keynote address! 

Christine will be available for questions and will also have some “spoonie” stuff with her. If you are in the North Carolina area and have lupus, or love someone with lupus this is the educational event for you. It will be a day of learning and laughing too. If you just want to come and see Christine speak, that is great too.

Date: September 11th

9:00 am – 2:15pm
Hilton Charlotte University Place
8629 JM Keynes Drive
Charlotte, NC 28262

TICKETS: $15/person Tickets include lunch & special summit gift.

Ticket Scholarships available by request
at (877-849-8271 or [email protected])

For more information about the Lupus Summit, or If you would like to order tickets right now please click here. Order now Spaces are limited!

Christine would love to see the readers of and the “spoonies” come out and support her!


If you are coming, please comment below so Christine knows to look for you!

  • Dottie Balin

    Good Luck Christine !!!

    All of us “Spoonies ” are supporting you even if we can not attend.

    Dottie 🙂