September 15th – National Thank You Day


Every person that you have faced in your life–whether good or bad–deserves a ‘thank you’. Everyone that you encounter and has made an impact on you in your lifetime deserves this simple act of kindness. Instead of having your day consumed with timed pills, injections, doctor appointments and pain, take the time on September 15th to thank all of the people who have made a difference for you in your struggle with an invisible illness.

It’s a day to give our appreciation to those that love us…who suffer silently beside us…who would give anything to take away some of our frustration.  Although we deal with unimaginable pain on a daily basis, thanking them for all they do for you will make you feel better in so many ways. It is also a day to thank those in our lives that stood in our way or turned away saying that ‘we don’t look sick’.  Sometimes it’s the ones that you hurt us the most, that, in the end, give us the most empowerment.

We should take a moment and thank loved ones–the people who have been there through it all and who have proven their dedication through unconditional support and love. It is most important to let these people know how much they truly mean to us, and how they have made a positive and significant difference in every part of our struggle.

Last but not least…hug and thank a fellow Spoonie…because, we are all in this together.

  • Terri O

    THanks for your site…stumbled upon it and I am nearly in tears! Thank you again! TErri O

  • Gloria Johnson

    Thank you Christine<3

    Thank you for this site, for the Spoon Theory, thank you to my family and friends who support me and love me. Thank you to my Rheumy, Dr. Neil Boswell, you are awesome! And thank you to all those who told me I "didn't look sick" and to "quit faking it", it only make me look harder for help with my condition.
    A Big Thank you to my fellow "Spoonies", I love and appreciate you all!

    God bless,

  • Thank you, Christine!

    For this site.
    For the Spoon Theory.
    For Team Christine.
    For telling me about Thank You Day.
    For sharing about Celiac Awareness Days and other days I’ve missed before and hope I will not anymore. (<3 to those w/Celiac and all chronic conditions)
    For Spoonies.
    For YOU.

    Thank you to my doctors. I have the best team and am feeling better than I have since my diagnoses 15 years ago.

    Thank you to my meds and my husband who puts them together for me.

    Thank you to everyone in my life who is a mirror and has something to teach me.

    And thank you for reminding us that we're all in this together. Together we're powerful. I'm so thankful that I am not alone.

    Gratitude, yes,