Are you in South East Florida? Come see Christine speak at the “Chronically Sweet Affair” This Saturday!


If you are in South Florida, you are invited to this FREE event!

Come see Christine speak at “The Chronically Sweet Affair” this Saturday February 12 from 1:30-3pm

The Lupus Foundation of America’s Southeast Florida Chapter is hosting its 1st Annual Valentine’s event, A Chronically Sweet Affair, for ALL those living with a chronic illness and their loved ones. Yes, you heard it right… even though this event is being hosted by the Lupus Foundation’s South East chapter, it is open to ANYONE.

Local businesses are donating giveaways, raffle prizes and light beverages and snacks. It looks to be alot of fun, and it would be great to have a little get together of readers, otherwise known as spoonies.

Click here for more information about the event and to register.

It would be great to see everyone there! Remember to tell them Christine sent ya! ♥
