Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability

Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability

I’ve been wanting to read this book ever since I first saw it for sale on a website I was already buying from and I couldn’t resist getting it. I found it to be a very interesting read and since it is extremely well written and laid out, it was also an easy read. Potentially tricky subjects are

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Sex and Politics: Safe, Covered, and Totally Satisfied.

Sometimes I have to compare politics to sex. Politics can be confusing and scary, but when I look at it from a biological point of view, somehow everything seems to fall into place. Therefore, if this ongoing debate between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama is one romp in the sack, then Thursd

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How To Feel Sexy When You Are In Pain?

When our beloved Christine suggested an article on this topic, I have to admit my first gut reaction was "Why should I HAVE to pretend to feel sexy when I'm in pain?" It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I got all defensive immediately and got that emotional guard wall up and thought o

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Breaking the Ice on Sex, Intimacy & Chronic Illness

I was diagnosed with SLE in my teens, long before I'd become sexually active. When sex became a part of my identity, instead of being a glorious whirlwind of sloppy kisses and knock-your-socks off orgasms, I viewed it as yet another physical activity, I had to worry about! My bones popped so often,

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Pay no attention to the girl behind the smile -what I wish people knew about me.

Pay no attention to the girl behind the smile -what I wish people knew about me.

Pay no attention to the girl behind the smile... It has been said by many people that I am a very good actress. "But You Don't Look Sick" seemed to be all I heard. Is this a good thing? Sometimes it is an appropriate thing to say after a speaking engagement, or when I used to act in class, etc. M

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Book Review:

Book Review: “The Sjogren’s Book, Fourth Edition”, edited by Daniel J. Wallace, M.D.

Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that, while not rare, is not widely known. Until tennis star Venus Williams revealed recently that she had been diagnosed with it, most of the general public had not heard of it. That is why this book, published in September, is so necessary.  Sjogren'

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Why I Participate in the Lupus Walk, Now it is My Mission. Please help support.

Why I Participate in the Lupus Walk, Now it is My Mission. Please help support.

It is the middle of October and you know what that means to us here at and in my family... It is Lupus Awareness month. For this month, I try to post mostly about Lupus or lupus related stories, reviews etc. I also spend a lot of time talking about my efforts with the Lupus Wa

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The Lupus Dating Game

The Lupus Dating Game

My family once joked with me that I only kept guys around for a 6 month to a year and a half rotation. My mother even joined in the fun and told me not to bring someone home, unless I was “serious”, because I sure had a lot of people who were “friends”. They claimed I had an emotional spring

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When Your Caregiver Is Also Your Significant Other

When Your Caregiver Is Also Your Significant Other

With most couples in a long-term love relationship, whether or not they are married, the phrase "in sickness and in health" conjures up images of short-lived ailments like the flu, or perhaps helping each other in old age after multiple healthy decades together. Not many anticipate or have any g

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April is PIDD Awareness Month

April is Primary Immunodeficiency Awareness Month. Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases (PIDDs) are a group of relatively rare conditions caused by intrinsic or genetic defects in the immune system. The most famous case is “The Boy in the Bubble” story.  In the US, there are an estimated 250,000

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